Associate Professor, Curtin Medical School, Curtin University. Emergency physician, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital with a passion for social media and medical education. Co-founded HealthEngine (2006); Life in the FastLane (2007); iMeducate (2010); and assisted in the development and implementation of other #FOAMed websites.

Rugby is a passion and I have been privileged to work as a sports doctor for the Wallabies and Western Force as well as looking after musicians as they pass through the West.

Worked as a social media and medical informatics consultant for corporate groups such as Elsevier, MJA and BMJ to help create an educational eLearning tools to facilitate discriminatory feedback and enhance and further develop logical learning tools.



FFSEM    Fellow of the Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine
FACEM    Fellow of the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
MB ChB  Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (Edinburgh)
MA           Master of Arts  (Oxford)
BA            Bachelor of Arts (Oxford)


ACEM Teaching Excellence Award (2011)
Gold Medal / Buchanan prize FACEM Fellowship (2003)
Glaxo Smithkline Clinical Teaching Award (2001)
Essay prize “Addattamento e transformazione” (Edinburgh)
Cutlers Scholarship (Oxford)

Education appointments

Associate Professor, Curtin Medical School, Curtin University (2022-)
Honorary Lecturer, Sydney Medical School (2016-2017)
Clinical Senior lecturer, University of Western Australia (2004-2015)
Lecturer Graduate Certificate of Emergency Nursing course (2004-2007)
Visiting lecturer for Western Region Rural Trauma Course (2004-2007)
Visiting lecturer for Mid-Western GP association (2004-2006)
Lecturer in clinical skills, Queensland University (2000-2004)
Academic Associate lecturer, Queensland University (1999-2004)


Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management
Emergency Medicine Diagnosis and Management 8e 2020

Handbook of emergency and acute medical care. Utilizes a standardised approach to the diagnosis and management of common conditions encountered in the emergency setting. Suited to a wide range of health and medical professionals.

Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management, 8e’ CRC Press 2020. ISBN-13: 978-0367469900

  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management, 7e’ CRC Press 2016. ISBN-13: 978-1498714273
  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Tanı ve Yönetim Acil Tıp’. Cukurovana nobel 2013. ISBN-13: 978-6056352416
  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management, 6e’. Hodder 2011. ISBN 1444120131
  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Medicina d’Emergenza Diagnosi e trattamento’. Verduci 2008. ISBN-13: 978-8876207914
  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D. ‘Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management, 5e’ Hodder 2006. ISBN 9780340927700
On Call Principles & Protocols
On Call Principles & Protocols 3e 2016

Handbook of acute medical care. Revised handbook based on Marshall and Ruedy’s original text designed to assist medical students, nurses and junior doctors deal with common calls, interpretation of investigations and patient-related problems with a symptom based approach

  • Brown A.F.T, Cadogan M.D, Celenza A. ‘On Call Principles and Protocols 3e ’. Elsevier 2016. ISBN: 9780729539616
  • Cadogan M.D, Brown A.F.T, Celenza A. ‘On Call Principles & Protocols: Australian Version 2e’. Elsevier 2011. ISBN: 9780729539616
  • Cadogan M.D, Brown A.F.T, Celenza A. ‘On Call Principles & Protocols: Australian Version’. Elsevier 2007. ISBN: 9780729538039
Toxicology Handbook

Standardised approach to the diagnosis and management of common conditions encountered in the emergency setting. Covering the common toxicological emergencies and highlighting some of the more important elapid and marine envenomings.

  • Murray L, Daly F, Little M, Cadogan M. ‘Toxicology Handbook 3e’ Published by Elsevier 2016. ISBN: 9780729537896
  • Murray L, Daly F, Little M, Cadogan M. ‘Toxicology Handbook 2e’ Published by Elsevier 2010. ISBN: 9780729537896
  • Murray L, Daly F, Little M, Cadogan M. ‘Toxicology Handbook 1st edition’ Elsevier 2007. ISBN: 9780729537896


Journal articles
Textbook chapters
  • Malouf AJ. Cadogan MD. Webber L. Bartolo DCC. ‘Surgery: Core Principles and Practice, 2e. (Corson and Williamson) Chapter 63; Jaypee Medical Publishers. April 2016.
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Section editor: Emergency Medicine’. Harris, Nagy & Vardaxis (chief editors) – Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions – ANZ 3e Elsevier 2014
  • Allely P, Cadogan MD. ‘Pelvic injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.6; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Baker M, Cadogan MD. ‘Tibia and fibula injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.10; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Baker M, Cadogan MD. ‘Ankle joint injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.11; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Baker M, Cadogan MD. ‘Foot injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors).Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.12; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Allely P, Cadogan MD. ‘Hip injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.7; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Allely P, Cadogan MD. ‘The Femur’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.8; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Baker M, Cadogan MD. ‘Knee injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 4.9; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Cadogan MD. Yazdani A. ‘Pelvic Pain’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT, Little M (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 4e. Chapter 19.6; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2014
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Section editor: Emergency Medicine’. Harris, Nagy & Vardaxis (chief editors) – Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions – ANZ 2e Elsevier 2009
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Pelvic injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.6; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Dilley S, Cadogan MD. ‘Tibia and fibula injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.7; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Dilley S, Cadogan MD. ‘Ankle joint injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.8; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Dilley S, Cadogan MD. ‘Foot injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors).Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.9; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Hip injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e Chapter 3.10; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Cadogan MD. ‘The Femur’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.11; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Knee injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 3.12; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Cadogan MD. Yazdani A. ‘Pelvic Pain’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Brown AFT (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 3e. Chapter 19; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2009
  • Monaghan M, Parkinson S, Armstrong J, Cadogan M. ‘Envenomation’. In Curtis et al (editors). Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 2e. Chapter 28; Elsevier Australia 2007
  • Monaghan M, Parkinson S, Armstrong J, Cadogan M. ‘Toxicological Emergencies’. In Curtis et al (editors). Emergency and Trauma Care for Nurses and Paramedics, 2e. Chapter 30; Elsevier Australia 2007
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Section editor: Emergency Medicine’. In: Harris, Nagy & Vardaxis (chief editors) – Mosby’s Medical, Nursing and Allied Health Dictionary – 1st Australasian edition. Elsevier 2005
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Section editor: Emergency Medicine’. Harris, Nagy & Vardaxis (chief editors) – Mosby’s Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing and Health Professions – ANZ Elsevier 2005
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Pelvic injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.6; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Hip injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.7; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘The Femur’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.8; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Knee injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.9; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘The Tibia and Fibula’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.10; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘The Ankle Joint’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.11; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. ‘Foot Injuries’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 3.12; Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Cadogan MD. Yazdani A, Taylor J. ‘Pelvic Pain’. In: Cameron PC, Jelinek GA, Kelly AM, Murray L, Heyworth J (editors). Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine, 2e. Chapter 19. Elsevier, Edinburgh 2004
  • Malouf A.J. Cadogan MD. Bartolo D.C.C. ‘Surgery: Core Principles and Practice. (Ed Corson JD) Chapter 3.21; Elsevier, London 2001
Publications as Medical Illustrator
  • Malouf AJ, Bartolo DCC. ‘Laparoscopic Colon Mobilisation in Resection Rectopexy’ In: Textbook of General Surgical Protocols’, Chapter 10. Ed M. Sachier, F.D.Wexner. New York. 1999.
  • Martin I, Siriwardena AK. Safe laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the presence of a cholecysto-enteric fistula. Dig Surg. 2000;17(2):178-80.
  • Smith P. Cadogan MD. ‘Cardiac media kit’. MedicalMediaKits ISBN 0-97 50806-0-5
  • Smith P. Cadogan MD. ‘Allergy media kit’ MedicalMediaKits ISBN 0-9750806-0-1
  • Smith P. Cadogan MD. ‘ECG media kit’ MedicalMediaKits ISBN 0-9750806-0-2
  • Smith P. Cadogan MD. ‘Asthma media kit’ MedicalMediaKits ISBN 0-9750806-0-3
TV, radio and journal interviews

Posted by Dr Mike Cadogan

Emergency physician MA (Oxon) MBChB (Edin) FACEM FFSEM with a passion for rugby; medical history; medical education; and asynchronous learning #FOAMed evangelist. Co-founder and CTO of Life in the Fast lane